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Gary, Ethan, Timothy: Lab Dispute
Timothy kicked his feet in the air in his own little prance, swiping his hand through several tree branches on an oak tree he passed by....
Ms. Violet Assists a New Teacher
Ms. Violet: Okay, first I'm going to start you off with three students who've chosen to come because they thought it could get them extra...
When is Book four coming out?
This is probably the book i'm most excited for everyone to read. I wanted to release it as soon as I was done writing it. lol Anyway,...
Science Competition Part 3! Ending
Helen jerked her head up when the sound of a whistle rang through the air, the pencil she held falling out of her hand once she noticed...
Club Science Competition Part 2
Let's see what Timothy has to say this time...'sigh' "Alright, everyone. Take your places." The leader of the competition, Mr. Stridel,...
Club Science Competition
Hello! Just thought it would be fun to write a scene from a competition club science goes to. All from another team's perspective. :)...
Character Interviews: Jessie Swanson
#jessieswanson Adams- Let's start off with what I've been asking your other classmates. Why do you think you're here? Jessie-(Shrugs) I...
Character Interviews-Darren Lewis
#darrenlewis Adams-Alright, let's start with why you think you're here and not at the school up north. Darren-Seems like everyone at the...
Character Interviews-Darren Lewis
Adams-Alright, explain why you think you're at this school and not at the one up north. Darren-the ones at the school for the Gifted...
Character Interviews. First Up: Maddox Bernard
Hello, Excluded Kids! Guess who finally has her computer back? lol I decided to change it up a bit. Here are character interviews by a...
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