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Character Interview: Beverly and Nova

Adams: Okay, let's start with the first question. Why do you think you're here and not at the school up north?

Beverly: 'Shrugs" Well, I never wanted to be a vigilante, anyways. 'Points to Nova' She could though. Cause she's really smart. And she can fight.

Nova: Eh. I guess. I don't want to fight anybody, though.

Beverly: She's lying. You know you like to throw some punches, girl.

Adams: Ah, I see. Do you want to be the next Emerald?

Nova: 'Shakes her head' I'd rather do math homework for two years than be like her.

Adams: But she's one of the top protectors of our city-

Nova: Yeah, and she's as smart as a rock. I'll pass, thank you.

Beverly: Ooooh, girl. 'Turns to Adams' See, what I tell you? That's the fighter spirit I was talking about.

Adams: Okay, but-

Nova: I think she has me confused with the guy she's always flirting with.

Beverly: Now, wait a minute, who are you talking about? And, you want to turn it around to flirting, how about you explain why the science club is suddenly so appealing.

Nova: I'm going to start saying calculus problems out loud, I swear. Anything to silence her.

Beverly: 'giggles' Whatever you say, smart girl.

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