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Jessie and Maddox (Part 2)

They walk out of the library, Jessie holding a textbook in her hand. The wind rustles through the tree leaves, their shoes crunching on the dry grass.

Maddox: "We should meet up again. By the dorms or something.

Jessie: Why?

Maddox: Because, I sa- Oh, great. 'smacks a hand against his forehead.'

Jessie: 'Laughs' You were about to say 'Because I said so' weren't you? We need to learn how to control that mouth.

Maddox: I'm working on it...

Jessie: 'Steps in front of him' Maybe you could also use some help with that, too. If you're willing.

Maddox: I'm more than willing. when do we start?

Jessie: Whenever you want. Just as long as it doesn't interrupt my library time.


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